It’s Not Binary It’s a spectrum


Non-Binary Grooming Packaging


Design Brief

This project was a collaborative project and my team consisted of Maggie Daigle (Communication Design), Lindsey Theis (Fashion Design), Johnny Colesi (Communication Design), and myself.

MX is a new razor brand that combats gender norms while maintaining sustainable ideals.

When anyone looks upon the grooming aisle in a store, they can see a clear distinction between the men’s section and the women’s, but gender isn’t that black and white. Gender is an entire spectrum and products should reflect that.

The non-binary has not been given a space in the grooming sections in stores and this new brand seeks to create that space for them.

 The Current Shelf Space

After deciding to work in the grooming section, my group and I visited a store to take some pictures and have a look at the current shelf space. We wanted to see what was grouped with what, what color blocking was being used, and where things were located. The photos are courtesy of Maggie Daigle.


 Brands in the Market

In addition to looking at what was in-stores, we also looked at brands that are direct-to-consumer and online.

  • Gillette

  • Harry’s

  • 800Razors

  • Schick

  • Grooming Lounge

  • Edgewell

  • Braun, Dollar Shave Club

  • Raz*War

  • OUI

  • Custom Shave

  • RazorsDirect

  • ShaveMOB

  • Walker & Company

  • Graze

  • Billie

What Makes Masculine or Feminine Design?


Geometric shapes, darker colors, strong sans serifs


Round/curved shapes, lighter colors, a combination of serif, rounded, and/or script fonts

Gender Neutral

A combination of masc. and fem. colors (especially blue, yellow, and purple), shapes that combine shape and rounded edges, classic fonts that are readable and safe

Graphic  made by Johnny Colesi.

Graphic made by Johnny Colesi.

Audience/primary consumer

Our audience is the non-binary consumers whose pronouns are they/them and those who don’t belong in the male or female category when it comes to shaving products.

Persona created by me.

Persona created by me.

 Spencer Porter

(they/them) - Gen Z Non-Binary

Demographics: UC Student, lives in Cincinnati, 22 years old

They sometimes shave their legs and armpits but not often. They want to look androgynous some days and some days don’t. A shaver that can either get rid of body hair or just trim it would be perfect for them.

They want a shaver that’s not too masculine or feminine. They are very open-minded and eco-conscious so would like a razor kit that doesn’t harm the environment or create too much waste.

Consumer Journey created by Maggie Daigle.

Consumer Journey created by Maggie Daigle.

Gender Image Boards

Masculine vs. Feminine vs. Non-Binary

 Preliminary Work

These are initial ideation sketches for the packaging and the branding including the logo and the name.

Design Opportunities

  1. Packaging that delivers our brand’s mission

  2. Packaging that has a sustainable and reusable solution

  3. A pain-free, as well as, delightful opening experience

Packaging form

The following sketches, models, and renderings are done by myself for the form of the packaging.

The logo was created by Maggie Daigle and Johnny Colesi. The safety razor shown here was created based on an existing product as a stock razor. It is not a designed product.

The logo was created by Maggie Daigle and Johnny Colesi. The safety razor shown here was created based on an existing product as a stock razor. It is not a designed product.

Brand image board created by Maggie Daigle.

Brand image board created by Maggie Daigle.

All of the pattern work and color schemes were created by Lindsey Theis.

All of the pattern work and color schemes were created by Lindsey Theis.

These graphics were created by Johnny Colesi, Maggie Daigle, and Lindsey Theis.

These graphics were created by Johnny Colesi, Maggie Daigle, and Lindsey Theis.

Final renders and model

The final renders and model were created by myself and the graphics were applied by Johnny Colesi.




MX Razor