A more immersive way to play

Red Dead Redemption 2 Xbox Controller

Xbox One Controller Redesign


Design brief

The Red Dead Redemption 2 Xbox Controller is a redesign of the Xbox One Controller that immerses players into the game and utilizes separate handheld controllers to simulate real life.

With the popularity of Virtual Reality and the Nintendo Switch, people are searching for the next level in gaming. No matter what game people are playing or even if they’re just looking to experience something new, everyone is looking for an escape. They want to be put into the shoes of their entertainment.

This controller looks to answer the question, “What if you could utilize tactile materials and separate handheld controllers to create a more immersive experience?”

 Initial Observational Sketches

These initial sketches were conducted to observe, learn, and map out the form and features of the Xbox One controller.

Observation - Perspective.png
Observation - Detail.png
Xbox Brand Language-01.png
Image Boards_Benchmarking2.png

 Research and Image Boards

Analyzed the Xbox One controller and console and created a Brand Analysis of the features, materials, and colors.

Looked up many different controllers from different companies so that an area of opportunity could be discovered. A State of the Art Analysis was created comparing the popularity of brands to their pricing.

A mood board was created to get the overall look and feel of the controller.

Image Boards_Benchmarking.png

GOals & Objectives

  • Create a more immersive and real controller experience

  • Utilize various materials to give the controller a Western feel

  • Have the controller reflect Red Dead Redemption 2

  • Keep the overall form and ergonomics of the Xbox One controller



thumbnails 1.png
thumbnails 2.png

 Explorations and CAD Underlays

Sketched some exploration sketches in perspective using the observation sketches as underlays.

Rough 3D modeled a controller to use as an underlay for more exploration.

CAD underlay 1.png

 Exploded View with the Inner Workings

Xbox Controller Keyshot Render.18.png
Xbox Controller Render Context Gaming Ad.2.png