Customize your own personal water bottle


Customizable Water Bottle POS


Design Brief

Endless is a customizable water bottle with a point-of-sale display that highlights and shows the customization process.

This product plays off of the trend of human participation and what it would look like if the control was moved from the makers’ hands to the users’ hands. What if the user could drive the product’s end result?

The user gets to define what the products’ aesthetic is, what the product means to them, and what its use is to them.

Everything comes down to the user and their choices.


Set factor inspirations



People crave communication and individuality. They want connection, interaction, and control.


Products that bring about feelings of excitement and novelty generate more revenue but cost more to make. People want options when they buy and they want options to communicate something about themselves.


The advancements in design and manufacturing have also allowed customization to become easier for the makers and the consumers.

goals & Objectives

The initial goals and objectives of this project were solely driven by the trend and the SET factors that defined the trend.


customizable Water bottle

  • Multiple options for the style of the body, lid, and grip

  • An array of colors to choose from

  • Ergonomic grip forms

  • Family of forms


display point-of-sale system

  • An appealing aesthetic that reflects the bottles

  • Allows consumer to interact with the product

  • Easy to follow system of how to customize the bottle

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Main Concepts

Each of the 3 main concepts was created around themes that helped shape the forms and aesthetics.


  • Concept revolves around the theme of angular forms

  • Many of the popular brands of reusable water bottles follow a similar more angular form and this concept takes inspiration from those forms


  • Concept revolves around the theme of semi-organic forms

  • Stuck to a more unique form while keeping the same feel of the popular HydroFlask bottles

  • Curve of the bottle also allows the user to grip the bottle better


  • Concept revolves around the theme of organic forms

  • Wanted to go out of the box with this concept and see what could happen

  • Looked at other grip forms and the way some grips mold around the fingers and got inspiration


Quick prototypes made from pink foam and cardboard.

The bottles were milled on a wood lathe to get the right cylindrical look. The display was measured, cut, and hot glued together.

Physically making the models allowed for me to figure out the sizing, placing, and proportions that would fit the best.

Since the lids were a little too complicated to quickly prototype, they were modeled in CAD to work out the sizing and aesthetics.

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To get feedback for my concepts, I set up my physical models and had my sketches and CAD models out to look at as I interviewed a handful of people. Below are my findings from the interviews:


  • add an additional tier

  • making everything symmetrical

  • give the bottles one single hump like an egg

  • make sure everything on the display is intentional

  • tone down the free form


  • incorporate the same angles throughout the display

  • soften and flatten sharp corners

  • interchange the pieces between the concepts

  • add taper to make it look sleeker and less boxy


  • centering everything

  • incorporating the touch screen pad into the display

  • differentiate the bottles from the angular bottles

  • make the curves convex instead of concave

  • make sure space is used intentionally


what I learned and my final direction

Following the feedback and the findings that I got from my interviews, I came up with my final direction and final criteria.

Criteria and Direction

  • centered and symmetrical display

  • defined tiers that separate the pieces

  • smaller display closer to the size of the angular concept

  • similar curves or angles throughout the entire design

  • tapers and tilts to display so that it isn’t boxy looking

  • make the bottles convex instead of concave

  • make the bottle styles more different

  • combine ideas from each of the concepts

  • have an array of colors to choose from

Final Concept

This final concept combines the best features from all of the initial concepts into one final idea.

It eliminates the touch-pad screen so that the physical customization process takes precedent in the design and is the main thing that consumers see.

The bottles’ styles are different enough to express the consumers’ different personalities and the various colors and grip textures allow for an array of different combinations.

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 Lid Components

These auxiliary sketches display the parts that make up each of the lids.

Small-Mouth Lid

  • consists of the main body, the small cap, and the plastic rings that attach the small cap to the main body; small cap screws onto the main body; handle for carrying

Wide-Mouth Lid

  • consists of the main body that screws onto the bottles

Sport Lid

  • consists of the main body and the bite cap; bite cap can slide up and down to either let liquid out or keep liquid in; handle for carrying

Coffee Lid

  • consists of the main body and the hinged lid; hinged lid attached to the main body by the hinge and can be lifted up or down; hinge lid can snap into the main body to keep liquid in


Customizing Process

Step by step process of how the bottle goes together.

Step 1 - Pick your bottle style

Step 2 - Pick your grip sleeve color and texture

Step 3 - Slide the grip sleeve onto the body of the bottle so that it fits into the grooves around the middle

Step 4 - Pick your lid

Step 5 - Screw the lid onto the top of the bottle

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